Welcome to Summer...

A lot of people ask me why I choose to be so busy; why I choose a life full of constant stress and meetings to get to. I have never been able to give them an answer because I didn't believe I was choosing that life. I loved what I did and didn't know what to do if I was to have down time.

Ever since high school I have always been busy. In high school, I was busy with classes, band, choir, speech, musicals and plays and then fast forward to college and my level of commitment seemed to sky rocket. I was still busy with classes but then roles in CAB, Dance Marathon, SAA and church ministries occupied the better part of each of my 9 months of a college year. And summers were no different. For 7 years my summers were spent "working" 40+ hours a week in the sun at the pool.

Now that I have been out of school for a month and have had the opportunity to sit, rest and experience a life without schedules or meetings, I think I finally have the answer to the question of why I choose to be busy.

Ready for this? I choose to be busy because I genuinely enjoy it.

Think that's weird?

Toward the end of this school year when everybody was asking me what I was most excited for about this summer, I told them I was excited to not be doing anything; I was excited to have free time for the first time in a long time and I truly meant that.

Because so many people had questioned my busyness over the years, I began to believe that I was doing life wrong; that I shouldn't be filling all my down time with more work and should enjoy not doing anything.

But now that I have experienced what that actually looks like, I'm not so sure that I'm a fan of not being busy.

Don't get me wrong, I see value in taking breaks from being busy and have learned to incorporate that into my schedule when I am at my busiest. But for me, being busy and always having tasks that need to be accomplished is what I enjoy.

- DV